
Contact - dingubox

Note: For questions about products, please contact the seller directly by accessing their page through the "See more" button for each product. Please note that each product may have a different seller. So, make sure to access the seller's page for your respective product. For questions about payments, returns, and other payment-related matters, please contact ClickBank through their payment area. To access this support, you must click on the "See more" button and then click on the button to pay, "but don't worry, as no payment will be made." After arriving at the ClickBank payment page, at the bottom of the site, there will be a support link. Now, if you have already made a payment and want to ask any questions about it, you can contact ClickBank through the link that ClickBank sent you to your email. This contact area is only for questions and concerns regarding the DinguBox website, such as bugs and other related matters, for example. Thank you for understanding!